
What have I been up to recently? Read on and find out!

Visions of the Past and Future

Photograph. The sun, just visible above a line of trees at the bottom of the frame. A faint halo, in pale rainbow colors, arcs completely around the sun, with a burst of color directly at the top of the arc. Wispy clouds are visible everywhere in the dark blue of the sky.
June 2nd, 2024: Proud Halo

I was out reading a book in a park on Friday, the final day of May, enjoying some sun before we went back to typical Seattle weather for a while. As the sun was setting a 22° halo developed ar...

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Color photograph. A line of trees in silhouette run along the bottom of the photo. Above them, in pale green, are filaments of auroral light, magenta "hole". Stars are visible through the aurora.
May 17th, 2024: Mor-rora

I've worked my way through the rest of the photos I took last week during the aurora event, and have a few more to share. It's hard to pick which ones I like the most, since I like them all.  ...

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A pelican, wings outstretch, gliding inches above ocean waves.
April 22nd, 2024: Earth Day

Oh, a wonderous bird is the pelican. His beak can hold more than his belican. Wherever you are, I hope you had a good Earth Day. It's a pretty great little planet we've got here, isn't it?...

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Color photo. A snow-covered wooden bridge, leading into a stand of trees in the distance.
April 5th, 2024: Snowed In

I'm visiting family in Canada, and we started getting some snow yesterday.  It's that kind of spring snow that's wet, practically melting as it falls.  That makes it very sticky, and heavy, wh...

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Color photo. Closeup of a bud with many small flowerlets. They are on pale green stalks, with yellow and red tips. The base of the stalks is covered in fine white hair-like threads, dotted with yellow pollen.
April 1st, 2024: Macro Birthday

Today's my birthday, and Macro Monday, so showing some old growth from last year and some new growth from this year felt appropriate. I hope that this year brings good things. Not just to m...

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