Nineteen years ago, stressed out from work, I started looking for a creative outlet to generate some balance in my life. I’d tried drawing, years before, but it didn’t stick and I wasn’t interested in trying it again. I don’t remember exactly why, now, but I decided to give photography a go. I went to the local camera store, discovered they were having a sale on Nikon gear, and I ended up walking out with a D50 and a kit lens.
I was hooked from the start, and I’ve rarely been far from a camera since. (Usually Nikon. Never underestimate the power of a sale to bring in new people to your system 😀 )
So when I need some solace, a thing that generally works is getting out, walking around, and taking photos.
I needed that today. So I went to the Bellevue Botanical Garden, walked around slowly, and enjoyed some tree-time.
I hope you were also able to get some solace if you needed it.
Gear: Nikon Z7 II, Nikon Z 24-70mm f2.8 S