Color photo. Three green leaves with serrated edges next to each other, their veins prominently visible. The center one is in focus, and a long icicle full of tiny bubbles extends down from the pointed leaf tip.

We got some snow in the Seattle area last week, and I went out for a walk while it was coming down. It alternated, between big clusters of flakes and flurries, and was that lovely sticky snow that coats every blade and branch.

It was that kind of snow where its first flakes melt and drip as they hit, because the ground, the air, and the trees are still just warm enough. And then, as everything cools further, those drips begin to freeze, and every leaf and twig has a little fairy icicle on it.

Perfect shots to share on a Macro Monday, don’t you think?

(All shots taken with a Nikon Z7 II, and a Nikon 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro)